Prioritizing Asset Issues Improves Fleet Productivity Cover Art

Prioritizing Asset Issues Improves Fleet Productivity

By Rachael Plant
May 7, 2024
Prioritizing fleet asset issues can significantly improve operational efficiency and productivity, as well as asset performance and return on investment. Construction fleets can implement a structured process for issue prioritization and leverage fleet-management software to proa...
Proactive Tire Management to Avoid Blowouts Cover Art

Proactive Tire Management to Avoid Blowouts

By Rachael Plant
April 8, 2024
Construction fleets operate in demanding environments that contribute to increased wear and tear on tires, making tire management a vital piece of overall maintenance management. Blowouts not only disrupt operations, they pose safety risks and can lead to costly repairs. Tire pr...
Four Fleet-Management Tactics to Grow Business, Cut Costs and Boost Morale Cover Art

Four Fleet-Management Tactics to Grow Business, Cut Costs and Boost Morale

By Christina Hartzler
January 19, 2024
Big-D Construction recently embraced a new approach to their fleet-management strategy, which has paved the way for them to expand their business, save a substantial sum and increase employee satisfaction. The key for them was making the sound decision to partner with a professi...
Too Many Flat Tires? There's an App for That. Cover Art

Too Many Flat Tires? There's an App for That.

By Jim Samocki
August 15, 2023
Construction sites can be a dangerous place for ready-mix vehicles, concrete pumping trucks, trucks delivering supplies and materials like concrete blocks, lumber and more, especially in the summertime, when elevated temperatures can wreak havoc on tires. Run-flats are dangerous ...
Gain Better Control of Fuel Spend With a Fuel-Management System Cover Art

Gain Better Control of Fuel Spend With a Fuel-Management System

By Rachael Plant
August 2, 2023
Understanding the causes of inflated fuel spend is the first step to nailing down a solution. Because fuel is such a large portion of a construction fleet’s expenses, staying apprised of when and how fuel is used is critical in helping businesses better control fuel spend. Fuel-m...
Renting Your Construction Equipment Could Minimize Your Economic Risk Cover Art

Renting Your Construction Equipment Could Minimize Your Economic Risk

By Chris Johnson
July 27, 2023
Rising rates and today’s economic climate are fueling record increases in the rental and leasing markets in construction equipment. The North American construction equipment rental business was valued at $42.64 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach $58.49 billion by 2029, repr...
The Future of On-Vehicle Lighting: Multi-Function LED Headlights Cover Art

The Future of On-Vehicle Lighting: Multi-Function LED Headlights

By Gary Durian
February 21, 2023
Who can resist the opportunity to see the future? With the influx of modern digital tools that provide an entirely new way to improve jobsite efficiencies, some might say the future is already here. When it comes to vehicle design, sustainable vehicle manufacturing initiatives a...
Safety in Numbers: Fleet Safety Cover Art

Safety in Numbers: Fleet Safety

By Rachel E. Pelovitz
January 31, 2023
The majority of fleet safety professionals use telematics and GPS tracking to improve safety, per the 2022 Fleet Safety Report. The report, released by GPS Insight in partnership with Bobit Business Media, surveyed more than 3,400 industry professionals to better understand how t...
Remain Present and Engaged While Managing a Fleet Remotely Cover Art

Remain Present and Engaged While Managing a Fleet Remotely

By Rachael Plant
October 11, 2022
An increase in fleet solutions on the market means it’s easier than ever for managers to get a complete view of their fleet without ever having to leave the office. However, remote fleet management doesn’t come without its challenges. Successful remote fleet management requires a...
Fleet Managers Should Construct a Robust Cybersecurity Infrastructure Cover Art

Fleet Managers Should Construct a Robust Cybersecurity Infrastructure

By Robert Nawy
August 30, 2022
While vehicles have become safer to drive, the evolution of digital technology installed in these cars has left them open to privacy infringement and vulnerable to cyberattack. When it comes to trucks that run in a fleet, these vehicles can be considered mobile data factories and...

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Fully Electric Compact Construction Vehicles Lead the Way to a Zero-Emissions Future

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As the world moves to net-zero, fully electric construction machinery will play a leading role in the transition.
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How Construction Fleet Companies Can Combat Cost Increases

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During this uncertain time, prioritizing efficiency and cost savings is a must.
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Motor Vehicle Accidents in Work Zones: Best Practices for Prioritizing Worker Safety

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It's crucial for construction workers to stay vigilant and take precautions when working in high-traffic areas.

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